Working with Avro Serialized Data and Schema Registries

Create a Schema Registry

    'type' = CONFLUENT_CLOUD,
    'access_region' = "AWS us-east-2",
    'uris' = '',
    'confluent_cloud.key' = 'fake_key',
    'confluent_cloud.secret' = 'fake_secret'

In the above example, we are creating a CONFLUENT CLOUD type Schema Registry named ConfluentCloudSR in AWS us-east-2. The uris value provided is the URI from the Confluent Cloud dashboard, corresponding with the Schema Registry. Optionally, this Schema Registry can also have a key pair for credentials, which can be supplied with the confluent_cloud.key and confluent_cloud.secret properties, or the properties.file property (see CREATE SCHEMA_REGISTRY for more details).

Once Schema Registries are defined, they can be listed:

demoDB.public/kafka_store# LIST SCHEMA_REGISTRIES;
        Name       |      Type      |                       URI                        |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at
  ConfluentCloudSR | ConfluentCloud | | sysadmin | 2022-08-22T16:38:02Z | 2022-08-22T16:38:02Z

Update Store with the Schema Registry

Now that we’ve created a Schema Registry, the next step would be to associate that Schema Registry with the relevant Store. Note that at most one Schema Registry can be attached to a Store, but any number of Stores can use a particular Schema Registry. You can describe a Store to see if there is a Schema Registry attached to the Store:

demoDB.public/kafka_store# DESCRIBE STORE kafka_store;
     Name     | Type  | Availability zone | Metadata |                     URIs                     | TLS | Verify host | TLS protocols | Chiphers | Additional egress URIs | Schema registry |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at
  kafka_store | Kafka | AWS us-east-2     | {}       | | ✓   |             |               |          |                        |                 | sysadmin | 2023-02-28T01:55:18Z | 2023-02-28T01:55:18Z

Now that we've determined that there is no Schema Registry attached to our Store, kafka_store, we can use the UPDATE STORE DDL to point our Store to the Schema Registry.

UPDATE STORE kafka_store WITH ( '' = ConfluentCloudSR );

Once a Schema Registry has been attached to a Store, that Store will attempt to use the Schema Registry to look up Schemas when a DeltaStream command or query requires serializing or deserializing data from the Store’s Topic. When working with Avro serialized data, we require the Schema Registry with the relevant Avro schemas be attached to the Store containing that data.

Avro-Enabled Printing and Queries

Now we can successfully run commands such as PRINT TOPIC or write queries with relations that have Avro data formats. Below we are printing the pageviews_avro Topic.

demoDB.public/kafka_store# PRINT TOPIC pageviews_avro;
{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931394412,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_22"}
{"userid":"User_6"} | {"viewtime":1660931395412,"userid":"User_6","pageid":"Page_32"}
{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931396413,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_96"}

With a Schema Registry set up, we can easily read or write Avro formatted data. In the query below, we show how to easily convert the JSON Stream pageviews_json to a Stream with an Avro key and value format called pageviews_converted_to_avro. See CREATE STREAM AS SELECT for more details.

CREATE STREAM pageviews_converted_to_avro WITH (
  'value.format' = 'avro', 'key.format' = 'AVRO'
) AS 
SELECT * FROM pageviews_json;

When creating Relations using CREATE STREAM AS SELECT or CREATE CHANGELOG AS SELECT and specifying a key or value format such as Avro for the sink Relation, an Avro schema will be automatically generated and added to the Schema Registry attached to the Store. In the example above, two Schemas will be generated for the Topic pageviews_converted_to_avro—one for the key and one for the value. This way, these Schemas will be available if you ever need to consume from these Topics outside of DeltaStream.

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