Entities is visible only if the current has USAGE privileges on the store.
This is the name of the entity to describe. If the name is case-sensitive, you must wrap it in double quotes; otherwise, the lowercase name is used.
IN STORE store_name
Optionally, describe an entity in a specific store. If the name is case-sensitive, you must wrap it in double quotes; otherwise, the lowercase name is used.
Describe an entity in the current Kafka store
The following describes the pageviews entity in the current Kafka store demostore:
The entity provides the Kafka topic-specific information and the Key/Value Descriptor defining the serialization format of both the key and value portions of a Kafka record.
Describe an entity in a specific Kinesis store
The following describes the InterestCount entity in the Amazon Kinesis store kinesis_main:
demodb.public/demostore# DESCRIBE ENTITY "InterestCount" IN STORE kinesis_store;
| Name | Entity Type | Shards | Descriptor |
| InterestCount | Data Stream | 6 | <null> |
The entity provides the Kinesis stream specific information and a Descriptor defining the serialization format of the Kinesis records.
Describe an entity with descriptors
The following describes the pv_pb entity in the Kafka Store called KafkaStore2. This entity's native format is ProtoBuf and the Key and Value descriptors assigned to it allow serialization to/from this format:
demodb.analytics/demostore# DESCRIBE ENTITY pv_pb IN STORE "KafkaStore2";
| Name | Entity Type | Partitions | Replicas | Key Descriptor | Value Descriptor | Configs |
| pv_pb | Topic | 1 | 2 | pb_key.PageviewsKey | pb_value.Pageviews | {} |
Describe a Snowflake database
demodb.public/sfstore# DESCRIBE ENTITY "FLINK_STREAMING";
| Name | Entity Type | Type | Created At | Retention Time | Owner | Comment |
| FLINK_STREAMING | Database | STANDARD | 2024-07-17 00:19:33 +0000 UTC | 1 | ACCOUNTADMIN | <null> |
Describe a Snowflake table
| Name | Entity Type | Type | Created At | Owner | Last DDLAt | Retention Time | Updated At | Comment | Columns |
| FLINK_STREAMING.PUBLIC.SF_PAGEVIEWS | Table | BASE TABLE | 2024-07-03 14:55:20 +0000 UTC | ACCOUNTADMIN | 2024-07-03 14:55:20 +0000 UTC | 1 | 2024-07-03 15:02:46 +0000 UTC | <nil> | [{"name":"TIMESTAMP","type":"NUMBER(38,0)","nullable":true,"default":null,"primaryKey":false,"uniqueKey":false,"comment":null,"policyName":null},{...}] |
Describe a Databricks catalog
demodb.public/databricks_store# DESCRIBE ENTITY catalog1;
| Name | Entity Type | Created At | Created By | Updated At | Updated By | Comment |
| catalog1 | Catalog | 2024-02-09 22:07:14 +0000 UTC | subscriptions+databricks@deltastream.io | 2024-02-09 22:07:14 +0000 UTC | subscriptions+databricks@deltastream.io | |
Describe a Databricks schema
demodb.public/databricks_store# DESCRIBE ENTITY catalog1.schema1;
| Name | Entity Type | Created At | Created By | Updated At | Updated By | Comment |
| catalog1.schema1 | Schema | 2024-02-13 23:43:59 +0000 UTC | sch_owner | 2024-02-13 23:43:59 +0000 UTC | sch_owner | |
Describe a Databricks table
demodb.public/dbx_store# DESCRIBE ENTITY catalog1.schema1.pageviews;
| Name | Entity Type | Created At | Created By | Updated At | Updated By | Storage Location | Comment | Columns |
| catalog1.schema1.pageviews | Table | 2024-04-10 15:24:07 +0000 UTC | tbl_owner | 2024-04-10 15:24:07 +0000 UTC | tbl_owner | s3://somebucket/test | {"deltastream.relation.fqn":"..."} | [{"name":"messageId","type":"string","nullable":true,"position":0},{...}] |