
DESCRIBE Entity entity_name
[IN STORE store_name];


This command describes an Entity in a Store.



This is the name of the Entity to describe. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes; otherwise, the lowercase name will be used.

IN STORE store_name

Optionally, describe an Entity in a specific Store. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes. Otherwise, the lowercase name will be used.


Describe an Entity in the current Kafka Store

The following describes the pageviews Entity in the current Kafka Store, demostore: DESCRIBE ENTITY pageviews;
    Name    | Partitons | Replicas | Key descriptor | Value descriptor  
  pageviews |         3 |        3 |                |                   

The Entity provides the Kafka topic specific information and the Key/Value Descriptor defining the serialization format of both the key and value portions of a Kafka record.

Describe an Entity in a specific Kinesis Store

The following describes the InterestCount Entity in the Amazon Kinesis Store, kinesis_main: DESCRIBE ENTITY "InterestCount" IN STORE kinesis_main;
       Name     | Shards | Descriptor  
  InterestCount |      6 |             

The Entity provides the Kinesis stream specific information and a Descriptor defining the serialization format of the Kinesis records.

Describe an Entity with Descriptors

The following describes the pageviews_pb Entity in the Kafka Store called KafkaStore2. This Entity's native format is ProtoBuf and the Key and Value Descriptors assigned to it allow serialization to/from this format: DESCRIBE ENTITY pageviews_pb IN STORE "KafkaStore2";
       Name       | Partitons | Replicas |     Key descriptor     |  Value descriptor    
    pageviews_pb  |         1 |        2 | pageviews.PageviewsKey | pageviews.Pageviews  

Describe a Snowflake database

demodb.public/sfstore# DESCRIBE ENTITY "FLINK_STREAMING";
    Type   |       Name        |      Created at      | Retention time |      Updated at      | Comment  
  Database | "FLINK_STREAMING" | 2023-09-02T13:37:32Z |              1 | 2023-09-02T13:37:32Z |          

Describe a Databricks catalog

demodb.public/databricks_store# DESCRIBE ENTITY catalog1;
   Type   |   Name   |      Created at      |     Created by      |      Updated at      |     Updated by      |            Comment
  Catalog | catalog1 | 2023-09-18T14:33:19Z | | 2023-09-18T14:33:19Z | | Shared catalog (auto-created)

Describe a Databricks schema

demodb.public/databricks_store# DESCRIBE ENTITY catalog1.schema1;
   Type  |       Name       |      Created at      |     Created by      |      Updated at      |     Updated by      | Comment
  Schema | catalog1.schema1 | 2023-09-18T15:14:35Z | | 2023-09-18T15:14:35Z | |

Describe a Databricks table

demodb.public/databricks_store# DESCRIBE ENTITY catalog1.schema1.pageviews;
  Type  |           Name             |      Created at      |     Created by      |      Updated at      |     Updated by      | Storage location | Comment
  Table | catalog1.schema1.pageviews | 2023-09-18T16:26:04Z | | 2023-09-18T16:26:04Z | |                  |

  Position |   Name   |  Type  | Nullable
         0 | viewtime | bigint | 
         1 | userid   | string | 
         2 | pageid   | string | 

Describe a Postgresql schema

demodb.public/psqlstore# DESCRIBE ENTITY public;
          Type         |   Name    
  PostgresSchemaEntity | "public"  

Describe a Postgresql table

demodb.public/psqlstore# DESCRIBE ENTITY public.pageviews;
  PostgresTableEntity | "public".pageviews  

  Position |   Name   |       Type        | Nullable  
         1 | viewtime | bigint            |          
         2 | userid   | character varying |           
         3 | pageid   | character varying |  

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