
CREATE ENTITY fully_qualified_entity_name
[IN STORE store_name]
[WITH (entity_parameter = value [, ...])];


This command creates a new Entity supported by a Store. These Entities can then be used to host Relations created through DDL or Query.

The entities created by this command can be listed using LIST ENTITIES.



The full name of the Entity to create.

IN STORE store_name

Optionally, this creates the Entity in the specified Store. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes, otherwise, the lowercased name will be used.

WITH (entity_parameter = value [, …​])

This clause specifies Entity Parameters.

Entity Parameters

Parameter NameDescription


A qualified Descriptor name used to decode a record's key, if applicable. Reset the Descriptor by setting it to NULL.

Required: No Default value: None Type: String Valid values: See LIST DESCRIPTORS.


A qualified Descriptor name used to decode a record's value. Reset the Descriptor by setting it to NULL.

Required: No Default value: None Type: String Valid values: See LIST DESCRIPTORS.

Kafka Specific Entity Parameters

Parameters to be used if the associated Store is type KAFKA:

Parameter NameDescription


The number of partitions to use when creating the Entity.

Required: No Default value: 1 Type: Integer Valid values: [1,…]


The number of replicas to use when creating the Entity.

Required: No Default value: 1 Type: Integer Valid values: [1,…]


A configuration specific for the topic that will be created, e.g. Kafkan Entity Configuration for Confluent Platform. Required: No Default value: None Type: String Valid values: Kafka topic configuration specific to the underlying Storetype.

Kinesis Specific Entity Parameters

Parameters to be used if the associated Store is type KINESIS:

Parameter NameDescription


The number of shards to use when creating the Entity.

Required: No Default value: 1 Type: Integer Valid values: [1,…]


Create a new Kafka topic with defaults

The following creates a Entity called pv using the default parameters in the user's default Store:

demodb.public/demostore# CREATE ENTITY pv;
|  Type  |  Name |  Command |  Summary                                 |
| entity | pv    | CREATE   | entity "pv" was successfully created in  |
|        |       |          | store "demostore"                        |
demodb.public/demostore# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name        |  Is Leaf |
| pv_pb        | true     |
| pv           | true     |

Create a new Kafka topic with additional topic configuration

The following creates a Entity called pv_compact and overriding the default partitions, replicas, and cleanup.policy configuration of the Kafka topic in the user's default Store:

demodb.public/demostore# CREATE ENTITY pv_compact WITH ( 'kafka.partitions' = 2, 'kafka.replicas' = 1, 'kafka.topic.cleanup.policy' = 'compact');
|  Type  |  Name      |  Command |  Summary                                 |
| entity | pv_compact | CREATE   | entity "pv_compact" was successfully     |
|        |            |          | created in store "demostore"             |
demodb.public/demostore# DESCRIBE ENTITY pv_compact;
|  Name      |  Partitions |  Replicas |  Key Descriptor |  Value Descriptor |  Configs                                 |
| pv_compact | 2           | 1         | <null>          | <null>            | { "cleanup.policy": "compact" }          |

Create a new Kafka topic with key and value ProtoBuf Descriptors

The following creates a Entity called pageviews_pb in the user's default store. It also sets the key and value Descriptors that are necessary for serializing its records:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST DESCRIPTORS;
|  Name     |  Source Name |  Type    |  Owner   |  Created At                   |  Updated At                   |
| Pageviews | pb_value     | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-07-16 18:30:39 +0000 UTC | 2024-07-16 18:30:39 +0000 UTC |
| Pageviews | pb_key       | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-07-16 18:30:31 +0000 UTC | 2024-07-16 18:30:31 +0000 UTC |
| Key       |              |          |          |                               |                               |
demodb.public/demostore# CREATE ENTITY pv_pb WITH ( 'key.descriptor' = pb_key."PageviewsKey", 'value.descriptor' = pb_value."Pageviews");
|  Type  |  Name |  Command |  Summary                                 |
| entity | pv_pb | CREATE   | entity "pv_pb" was successfully created  |
|        |       |          | in store "demostore"                     |
demodb.public/demostore# DESCRIBE ENTITY pv_pb;
|  Name |  Partitions |  Replicas |  Key Descriptor     |  Value Descriptor  |  Configs                          |
| pv_pb | 1           | 1         | pb_key.PageviewsKey | pb_value.Pageviews | { "segment.bytes": "1073741824" } |

Create a new Entity in Kinesis Store with Kinesis parameters

The following creates a Entity called pv_kinesis in the store named kinesis_store with 3 shards:

demodb.public/demostore# CREATE ENTITY pv_kinesis IN STORE kinesis_store WITH ('kinesis.shards' = 3);
|  Type  |  Name      |  Command |  Summary                                      |
| entity | pv_kinesis | CREATE   | entity "pv_kinesis" was successfully created  |
|        |            |          | in store "kinesis_store"                      |

Create a Snowflake database

|  Type      |  Name           |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | DELTA_STREAMING | CREATE     | entity DELTA_STREAMING was successfully  |
|            |                 |            | created in store sfstore                 |
db.public/sfstore# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name           |  Is Leaf   |
| DELTA_STREAMING | false      |
| FLINK_STREAMING | false      |

Create a Snowflake schema in a database

In this example we create a new schema within the existing DELTA_STREAMING Snowflake database:

|  Type      |  Name                               |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | DELTA_STREAMING.MY_STREAMING_SCHEMA | CREATE     | entity                                   |
|            |                                     |            | DELTA_STREAMING.MY_STREAMING_SCHEMA was  |
|            |                                     |            | successfully created in store            |
|            |                                     |            | sfstore                                  |
|  Name               |  Is Leaf   |
| MY_STREAMING_SCHEMA | false      |
| PUBLIC              | false      |

Create a Databricks catalog

demodb.public/databricks_store# CREATE ENTITY cat1;
|  Type      |  Name      |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | cat1       | CREATE     | entity cat1 was successfully created in  |
|            |            |            | store databricks_store                   |
demodb.public/test_databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name          |  Is Leaf   |
| cat1           | false      |
| system         | false      |

Create a Databricks schema in a catalog

In this example we create a new schema within the existing DELTA_STREAMING Snowflake database:

demodb.public/databricks_store# CREATE ENTITY cat1.schema1;
|  Type      |  Name        |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | cat1.schema1 | CREATE     | entity cat1.schema1 was successfully     |
|            |              |            | created in store databricks_store        |
demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES IN cat1;
|  Name              |  Is Leaf   |
| default            | false      |
| information_schema | false      |
| schema1            | false      |

Last updated