Copy DESCRIBE STORE store_name;
Stores are listed only if the current role has USAGE privileges.
This is the name of the store to describe. If the name is case sensitive you must wrap it in double quotes; otherwise, the system uses the lowercase name.
Copy demodb.public/demostore# DESCRIBE STORE demostore;
| Properties | Uri | Details | Tls Enabled | Verify Hostname | Schema Registry |
| {} | b-1.kafka:9196,b-2.kafka:9196,b-3.kafka: | {} | true | true | <null> |
| | 9196 | | | | |
Describe a case-sensitive store
Copy demodb.public/demostore# DESCRIBE STORE "MyStore";
| Properties | Uri | Details | Tls Enabled | Verify Hostname | Schema Registry |
| {} | b-1.kafka:9196,b-2.kafka:9196,b-3.kafka: | {} | true | false | <null> |
| | 9196 | | | | |