
    [IN SCHEMA schema_name];


This command provides a list of Relation(s) defined in a Database’s Schema. This command can also be used to further filter based on a Relation types.

Relations will only be listed if the current role has USAGE privileges on the Database and Schema and SELECT or INSERT privilege on the Relation.


IN SCHEMA schema_name

Optionally, this specifies the schema name for which the Relations should be listed. A fully qualified Schema name of the form <database_name>.<schema_name> can be provided. The current Database and Schema are used as the default for this command.


List all Relations in the default Schema

The following provides a list of all Relations that are in the scope of a user’s account and default Schema(demodb.public):

demodb.public/demostore# LIST RELATIONS;
          Name         |       Type       |  Owner   |  State  |       Created at     |      Updated at       
  users_log            | Changelog        | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:41:00Z | 2023-01-12T20:41:00Z  
  users2468_log        | Changelog        | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z  
  log_count            | Changelog        | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:47:28Z | 2023-01-12T20:47:28Z  
  pageviews            | Stream           | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:39:02Z | 2023-01-12T20:39:02Z  
  pv_user2468_logs     | Stream           | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z  
  log_count_mv         | MaterializedView | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-18T04:02:05Z | 2023-01-18T04:02:05Z 

List all Relations in a specific Schema

The following provides a list of Relations within the Schema regardless of the default Schema:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST RELATIONS IN SCHEMA;
     Name     |  Type  |  Owner   |  State  |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  total_views | Stream | sysadmin | Created | 2023-02-10T21:48:21Z | 2023-02-10T21:48:21Z  

List all Streams in the default Schema

The following provides a list of all Streams that are in the scope of a user’s account and default Schema:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST STREAMS;
          Name         |  Type  |  Owner   |  State  |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  pageviews            | Stream | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:39:02Z | 2023-01-12T20:39:02Z  
  pv_user2468_logs     | Stream | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z  

List all Changelogs in the default Schema

The following provides a list of all Changelogs that are in the scope of a user’s account and default Schema:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST CHANGELOGS;
       Name      |   Type    |  Owner   |  State  |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  users_log      | Changelog | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:41:00Z | 2023-01-12T20:41:00Z  
  users2468_log  | Changelog | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z  
  log_count      | Changelog | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-12T20:47:28Z | 2023-01-12T20:47:28Z  

List all Materialized Views in the default Schema

The following provides a list of all Materialized Views that are in the scope of a user’s account and default Schema:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST MATERIALIZED VIEWS;
          Name         |       Type       |  Owner   |  State  |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  log_count_mv         | MaterializedView | sysadmin | Created | 2023-01-18T04:02:05Z | 2023-01-18T04:02:05Z 

Last updated