Drops a function source. Only the owner of the function source can execute this command.
ImportantDROP FUNCTION_SOURCE cannot be undone. Use it with care!
The name of the function source to drop. If the name is case sensitive you must wrap it in double quotes; otherwise the system uses the lower case name.
Drop a function source
Assume a function source, named mysrc, is created using the CREATE FUNCTION SOURCE statement and is now available:
db1.public/my_store# CREATE FUNCTION_SOURCE "MySrc" WITH ( 'file' = '@/path/to/fnsrc.jar', 'description' = 'my functions' );
| Type | Name | Command | Summary |
| function_source | MySrc | CREATE | function source "MySrc" was |
| | | | successfully created |
You can drop this function source with the below statement:
db1.public/my_store# DROP FUNCTION_SOURCE "MySrc";
| Type | Name | Command | Summary |
| function_source | MySrc | DROP | function_source MySrc has been deleted |
db1.public/my_store# LIST FUNCTION_SOURCES;
Name | Description | Language | Owner | Created at | Updated at | Status | Messages