[ IN DESCRIPTOR_SOURCE descriptor_source_name ];
Descriptors are used for supporting protocol buffers. Creating a descriptor source enables users to associate ProtoBuf descriptors with specific entities for data serialization and deserialization. This command provides a list of descriptors that the user has access to in the current organization. Descriptors are created when descriptor sources are created with CREATE DESCRIPTOR_SOURCE.
This command provides a list of descriptors, optionally filtered by a specific descriptor source.
Descriptors are listed only if the current role has USAGE privileges on the descriptor source.
Optionally, this lists the descriptors belonging to the specified descriptor source.
List all descriptors
demodb.public/demostore# LIST DESCRIPTORS;
| Name | Source Name | Type | Owner | Created At | Updated At |
| Message2 | src1 | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-03 16:59:52 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-03 16:59:52 +0000 UTC |
| Message1 | src1 | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-03 16:59:52 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-03 16:59:52 +0000 UTC |
| StaffKey | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
| Manager | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
| Employee | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
| Address | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
List all descriptors from a descriptor source
From a list of all available descriptors, you can choose one of the descriptor source names — for example, employee — and list only the descriptors imported using that source:
demodb.public/demostore# LIST DESCRIPTORS IN DESCRIPTOR_SOURCE employee;
| Name | Source Name | Type | Owner | Created At | Updated At |
| StaffKey | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
| Manager | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
| Employee | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |
| Address | employee | protobuf | sysadmin | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 19:03:51 +0000 UTC |