Serializing with JSON
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Last updated
The following describes through examples how a DeltaStream query converts JSON payloads to DeltaStream’s Data Types when reading from a or .
The following examples use the stream defined below:
CREATE STREAM jsonExample (
"booleanValue" BOOLEAN,
"stringValue" VARCHAR,
"tinyIntValue" TINYINT,
"smallIntValue" SMALLINT,
"intValue" INTEGER,
"bigIntValue" BIGINT,
"floatValue" FLOAT,
"doubleValue" DOUBLE,
"decimalValue" DECIMAL(4, 3),
"dateValue" DATE,
"timeValue" TIME,
"timestampValue" TIMESTAMP(3),
"timestampLtzValue" TIMESTAMP_LTZ,
"bytesValue" VARBINARY,
"arrayValue" ARRAY<VARCHAR>,
"structValue" STRUCT<col1 BIGINT>
) WITH (
'topic' = 'jsonExample', 'value.format' = 'JSON'
With the query:
SELECT * FROM jsonExample;
// input record
"booleanValue": true,
"stringValue": "howdy",
"tinyIntValue": 1,
"smallIntValue": 12,
"intValue": 1234,
"bigIntValue": 123456789,
"floatValue": 12.34,
"doubleValue": 1234.5678,
"decimalValue": 1.123,
"dateValue": "2019-12-26",
"timeValue": "16:15:14",
"timestampValue": "2011-12-03 10:15:30",
"timestampLtzValue": "2021-05-31 16:15:14.528Z",
"bytesValue": "aG93ZHk=",
"arrayValue": [
"mapValue": {
"count": 17
"structValue": {
"col1": 1234
// output record
"booleanValue": true,
"stringValue": "howdy",
"tinyIntValue": 1,
"smallIntValue": 12,
"intValue": 1234,
"bigIntValue": 123456789,
"floatValue": 12.34,
"doubleValue": 1234.5678,
"decimalValue": 1.123,
"dateValue": "2019-12-26",
"timeValue": "16:15:14",
"timestampValue": "2011-12-03 10:15:30",
"timestampLtzValue": "2021-05-31 16:15:14.528Z",
"bytesValue": "aG93ZHk=",
"arrayValue": [
"mapValue": {
"count": 17
"structValue": {
"col1": 1234
When JSON records are missing fields specified by the CREATE STREAM DDL
statement, those fields are given the value NULL
in the output record. In the opposite case — when JSON records have fields that aren’t specified by the CREATE STREAM DDL
statement — those fields are ignored.
With the query:
SELECT "booleanValue", "stringValue", "intValue" FROM jsonExample;
// input record
"booleanValue": true,
"stringValue": "howdy",
"someOtherValue": 123
// output record
"booleanValue": true,
"stringValue": "howdy",
"intValue": null
With the query:
SELECT "booleanValue" FROM jsonExample;
// input record
{ "booleanValue": true }
//output record
{ "booleanValue": true }
// input record
{ "booleanValue": false }
//output record
{ "booleanValue": false }
// input record
{ "booleanValue": "true" }
//output record
{ "booleanValue": true }
// input record
{ "booleanValue": "false" }
//output record
{ "booleanValue": false }
// input record
{ "booleanValue": "abc" }
//output record
{ "booleanValue": false }
// input record
{ "booleanValue": 123 }
//output record
{ "booleanValue": false }
With the query:
SELECT "stringValue" FROM jsonExample;
// input record
{ "stringValue": "abc" }
//output record
{ "stringValue": "abc" }
// input record
{ "stringValue": true }
//output record
{ "stringValue": "true" }
// input record
{ "stringValue": 123 }
//output record
{ "stringValue": "123" }
// input record
{ "stringValue": 123.456 }
//output record
{ "stringValue": "123.456" }
With the query:
SELECT "tinyIntValue", "doubleValue", "decimalValue" FROM jsonExample;
// input record
{ "tinyIntValue": 1, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 1.123 }
// output record
{ "tinyIntValue": 1, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 1.123 }
// input record
{ "tinyIntValue": "1", "doubleValue": "123.1", "decimalValue": "1.123" }
// output record
{ "tinyIntValue": 1, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 1.123 }
// input record ("decimalValue" value is larger than defined precision)
{ "tinyIntValue": 1, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 12.123 }
// output record
{ "tinyIntValue": 1, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": null }
// input record
{ "tinyIntValue": "abc", "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 1.123 }
// deserialization error because String can't be cast to numeric value
// input record
{ "tinyIntValue": 130, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 1.123 }
// deserialization error because 130 is out of range for TINYINT values
// input record
{ "tinyIntValue": 1.1, "doubleValue": 123.1, "decimalValue": 1.123 }
// deserialization error because TINYINT cannot be a floating point value
// input record
"dateValue": "2019-12-26",
"timeValue": "16:15:14",
"timestampValue": "2011-12-03 10:15:30",
"timestampLtzValue": "2021-05-31 16:15:14.528Z"
// output record
"dateValue": "2019-12-26",
"timeValue": "16:15:14",
"timestampValue": "2011-12-03 10:15:30",
"timestampLtzValue": "2021-05-31 16:15:14.528Z"
// input record
{ "dateValue": 1234 }
// deserialization error because date and time values must be parsed from Strings
// input record
{ "dateValue": "2019-04-31" }
// deserialization error due to invalid date (April only has 30 days)
With the query:
SELECT "bytesValue" FROM jsonExample;
// input record
{ "bytesValue": "aG93ZHk=" }
// output record
{ "bytesValue": "aG93ZHk=" }
// input record
{ "bytesValue": 1 }
// deserialization error because we expect a String value
With the query:
SELECT "arrayValue", "mapValue", "structValue" FROM jsonExample;
// input record
"arrayValue": [
"mapValue": {
"count": 17
"structValue": {
"col1": 1234
// output record
"arrayValue": [
"mapValue": {
"count": 17
"structValue": {
"col1": 1234
// input record
{ "arrayValue": [] }
// output record
"arrayValue": [],
"mapValue": null,
"structValue": null
// input record
"arrayValue": [ 17 ]
// output record
"arrayValue": [ "17" ],
"mapValue": null,
"structValue": null
// input record
"arrayValue": []
// output record
"arrayValue": [],
"mapValue": null,
"structValue": null
// input record
"mapValue": {
"count": 17,
"index": 102
// output record
"arrayValue": null,
"mapValue": {
"count": 17,
"index": 102
"structValue": null
// input record
"mapValue": {
"count": "howdy"
// deserialization error because String can't be cast to numeric value
// input record
"mapValue": {}
// output record
"arrayValue": null,
"mapValue": {},
"structValue": null
// input record
"structValue": {
"col1": 1234,
"col2": 5678
// output record
"arrayValue": null,
"mapValue": null,
"structValue": {
"col1": 1234
// input record
"structValue": {
"col2": 5678
// output record
"arrayValue": null,
"mapValue": null,
"structValue": {
"col1": null
// input record
"structValue": {}
// output record
"arrayValue": null,
"mapValue": null,
"structValue": {
"col1": null