Updates a Store with new Store parameters.
Name of the Store to update. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes, otherwise, the lowercased name will be used.
WITH (store_parameter = value [, … ])
This clause specifies Store parameters; see Store Parameters below for more information.
Store Parameters
Parameter Name | Description |
| Specifies the Store type. Required: No Type: Valid values: |
access_region | Specifies the region of the Store. In order to improve latency and reduce data transfer costs, the region should be the same cloud and region that the physical Store is running in. Required: No Type: String Valid values: See LIST REGIONS |
| List of comma separated Required: No Type: String |
| Specifies if the store should be accessed over TLS.
Required: No
Default value: Type: Boolean Valid values: |
| Specifies if the server CNAME should be validated against the certificate.
Required: No
Default value: |
| Path to a CA certificate file in PEM format. Required: No Default value: Public CA chains. Type: String |
| Comma separated list of cipher suites to use when establishing a TLS connection. Required: No Default value: [] Type: List |
| Comma separated list TLS protocol versions to use while establishing a TLS connection.
Required: No
Default value: |
| Name of a Schema Registry to associate with the Store. A Schema Registry must first be created using the CREATE SCHEMA_REGISTRY DDL statement. Only one Schema Registry can be associated with a Store. Required: No Default value: None Type: String Valid values: See LIST SCHEMA_REGISTRIES |
| The file path to a yaml file containing other Store parameters. Required: No Default value: None Type: String Valid values: File path in current user's filesystem |
Kafka Specific Parameters
Parameters to be used if type
Parameter Name | Description |
| SASL hash function to use when authenticating with Apache Kafka brokers.
Required: No
Default value: |
| Username to use when authenticating with Apache Kafka brokers. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
| Password to use when authenticating with Apache Kafka brokers. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
| AWS region to use when authenticating with MSK. Required: Yes, if |
| AWS IAM role ARN to use when authenticating with MSK. Required: Yes, if |
| Path to a client certificate file in PEM format. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
| Path to the client key file in PEM format. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
Kinesis Specific Parameters
Parameters to be used if type
Parameter Name | Description |
| AWS IAM role ARN to use when authenticating with an Amazon Kinesis service. Required: Yes, unless authenticating with the Amazon Kinesis Service using static AWS credentials
Default value: None
Type: String
Example: |
| AWS IAM access key to use when authenticating with an Amazon Kinesis service. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
| AWS IAM secret access key to use when authenticating with an Amazon Kinesis service. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
Snowflake Specific Parameters
Snowflake Stores don't support this command.
Databricks Specific Parameters
Parameters to be used if type
Parameter Name | Description |
| Databricks personal access token used when authenticating with a Databricks workspace. Required: No Default value: None Type: String |
| AWS access key ID used for writing data to S3. Required: Yes Default value: None Type: String |
| AWS secret access key used for writing data to S3. Required: Yes Default value: None Type: String |
Attach a Schema Registry to a Store
The following example updates the store named "demostore" to attach a Schema Registry named "ConfluentCloudSR".
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