
[ WITH ( list_parameter [, ... ] ) ];


This command provides a list with a Streaming or Continuous Query or queries submitted to the current Organization, including any active interactive query.

See the USE command to change the Organization to LIST QUERIES from. Once queries are terminated/STOPPED and cleaned up, they are removed from the list of active queries. Failed queries remain in the ERRORED state until they are explicitly terminated using the TERMINATE QUERY statement.

See RESTART QUERY for recovering from ERRORED queries.

Queries will only be listed if the current role has USAGE privileges.


WITH ( list_parameter [, ... ] )

This clause specifies List Parameters.

List Parameters

Parameter NameDescription


A flag that shows queries in any state, including terminated ones.

Required: No

Type: Flag


List all active queries in the current Organization

The following shows a list of queries that are active in the MY org Organization:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST ORGANIZATIONS;
  Current |                  ID                  |    Name    |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  ✓       | 1e184c11-4540-44d3-a56e-34db1fbe767e | MY org     | orgadmin | 2023-01-10T19:29:33Z | 2023-01-10T19:29:33Z  
          | b55cd202-9858-42c2-a684-447dc32130a0 | Shared org | orgadmin | 2023-02-21T23:00:21Z | 2023-02-21T23:00:21Z  

demodb.public/demostore# LIST QUERIES;
                   ID                  |  State  |                             DSQL                             |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  b2041101-c37c-4807-93d4-2de876b7bd39 | RUNNING | CREATE CHANGELOG users2468_log                               | sysadmin | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z  
                                       |         |   AS SELECT *   FROM users_log                               |          |                      |                       
                                       |         |   WHERE userid = 'User_2' OR                                 |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | userid = 'User_4' OR userid =                                |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | 'User_6' OR userid = 'User_8';                               |          |                      |                       
  c81fc632-a043-472d-a1fe-aa81bc9078df | RUNNING | CREATE STREAM                                                | sysadmin | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z  
                                       |         | pv_user2468_interest WITH                                    |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | ('store'='kinesis_main')                                     |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | AS SELECT p.userid AS pvid,                                  |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | u.userid AS uid, u.gender,                                   |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | p.pageid, u.interests[1] AS                                  |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | top_interest   FROM pageviews                                |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | p   JOIN users_log u ON                                      |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | u.userid = p.userid;                                         |          |                      |                       
  1d282874-6691-408b-8a54-56de367ce925 | RUNNING | CREATE CHANGELOG                                             | sysadmin | 2023-01-12T20:47:28Z | 2023-01-12T20:47:28Z  
                                       |         | interest_count WITH                                          |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | ('store'='kinesis_main')                                     |          |                      |                       
                                       |         |   AS SELECT COUNT(uid) AS                                    |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | u_count, top_interest   FROM                                 |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | pv_user2468_interest   GROUP                                 |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | BY top_interest;                                             |          |                      |                       
  40949c95-1062-432e-a8e6-fc8eb720ef1f | RUNNING | CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW                                     | sysadmin | 2023-01-18T04:02:05Z | 2023-01-18T04:02:05Z  
                                       |         | interest_count_view AS SELECT                                |          |                      |                       
                                       |         | * FROM interest_count;                                       |          |                      |                       

List all queries in a specific Organization

The following lists queries in a different Organization, Shared org, using its unique identifier from the list of Organizations owned by the user:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST ORGANIZATIONS;
  Current |                  ID                  |    Name    |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  ✓       | 1e184c11-4540-44d3-a56e-34db1fbe767e | MY org     | orgadmin | 2023-01-10T19:29:33Z | 2023-01-10T19:29:33Z  
          | b55cd202-9858-42c2-a684-447dc32130a0 | Shared org | orgadmin | 2023-02-21T23:00:21Z | 2023-02-21T23:00:21Z  

demodb.public/demostore# USE ORGANIZATION b55cd202-9858-42c2-a684-447dc32130a0;
bzdb.public/sharedstore# LIST QUERIES;
                   ID                  |     State      |                         DSQL                          |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  fa86821e-a3dc-431c-bbaa-3f330bae2a5f | NEW -> RUNNING | SELECT * FROM interest_count;                         | sysadmin | 2023-02-21T22:15:51Z | 2023-02-21T22:15:54Z  

Since only active queries are showed in the list of queries, if the above interactive query is stopped, it won’t be returned in the list after it’s cleaned up:

bzdb.public/sharedstore# STOP SANDBOX;
bzdb.public/sharedstore# LIST QUERIES;
                   ID                  |       State        |                         DSQL                          |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  fa86821e-a3dc-431c-bbaa-3f330bae2a5f | STOPPED -> RUNNING | SELECT * FROM interest_count;                         | sysadmin | 2023-02-21T22:15:51Z | 2023-02-21T22:15:54Z  
bzdb.public/sharedstore# LIST QUERIES;
  ID | State |                             DSQL                             | Owner | Created at | Updated at  

Last updated