
START SANDBOX IN "<region>";


Start a new sandbox in the provided region.

A sandbox responds to queries once it is created and in RUNNING status. If a query is ran before the sandbox is available, the query is queued to be run once the sandbox is RUNNING.

Note You can only create sandboxes in the regions available in LIST REGIONS.



The region in which to create the sandbox in. See LIST REGIONS for a list of regions.


The following shows how to create a new sandbox:

demodb.public/demostore# START SANDBOX IN "AWS us-east-1";
|  Type   |  Name   |  Command |  Summary                                 |
| sandbox | sandbox | CREATE   | sandbox was successfully started in AWS  |
|         |         |          | us-east-1                                |

Note that there can only be one active sandbox running at a given time. However, if any changes are detected or required, you must stop the sandbox using the STOP SANDBOX command and then recreate it — for example if a user-defined function from a new function source must be used (see CREATE FUNCTION_SOURCE).

Last updated