
DROP ENTITY fully_qualified_entity_name
[IN STORE store_name];


Drops an Entity from the current Store, or a provided Store name. An Entity cannot be dropped if any Relations are defined that depend on it. However, an Entity may be dropped outside of the DeltaStream platform; in which case, the Relations and Queries that depend on it, will fail to progress.

See USE for changing the current Store.

DROP ENTITY cannot be undone. Use it with care!



The full name of the Entity to describe.

IN STORE store_name

Optionally, this specifies the Store from which the Entity should be dropped. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes, otherwise, the lowercased name will be used.


Drop a Kafka topic in the current Kafka Store

The following drops a Kafka topic from the current kafka_store Store. Note the Store name:

demodb.public/kafka_store# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name        |  Is Leaf |
| pageviews    | true     |
| pageviews_pb | true     |
| users        | true     |
demodb.public/kafka_store# DROP ENTITY "users";
|  Type  |  Name    |  Command |  Summary                                 |
| entity | users    | DROP     | entity "users" was successfully          |
|        |          |          | dropped from store "kafka_store"         |
demodb.public/kafka_store# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name        |  Is Leaf |
| pageviews    | true     |
| pageviews_pb | true     |

Drop a Kinesis data stream in a specific Store

The following drops a Kinesis data stream in the Store, AltStore, which is also provided to the commands LIST ENTITIES as well as the DROP ENTITY for context:

demodb.public/demostore# LIST ENTITIES IN STORE "AltStore";
|  Name        |  Is Leaf |
| Shipments    | true     |
| reviews      | true     |
demodb.public/demostore# DROP ENTITY "Shipments" IN STORE "AltStore";
|  Type  |  Name      |  Command |  Summary                                 |
| entity | Shipments  | DROP     | entity "Shipments" was successfully      |
|        |            |          | dropped from store "AltStore"            |
demodb.public/demostore# LIST ENTITIES IN STORE "AltStore";
|  Name        |  Is Leaf |
| reviews      | true     |

Drop a Snowflake database

demodb.public/sfstore# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name           |  Is Leaf   |
| MY_SNOWFLAKE_DB | false      |
| SNOWFLAKE       | false      |
| SNOWFLAKE_SAMPL | false      |
| E_DATA          |            |
demodb.public/sfstore# DROP ENTITY "MY_SNOWFLAKE_DB";
|  Type      |  Name           |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | MY_SNOWFLAKE_DB | DROP       | entity "MY_SNOWFLAKE_DB" was             |
|            |                 |            | successfully dropped from store          |
|            |                 |            | "sfstore"                                |
demodb.public/sfstore# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name           |  Is Leaf   |
| SNOWFLAKE       | false      |
| SNOWFLAKE_SAMPL | false      |
| E_DATA          |            |

Drop a Snowflake schema

demodb.public/sfstore# LIST ENTITIES IN "DELTA_STREAMING";
|  Name               |  Is Leaf   |
| MY_STREAMING_SCHEMA | false      |
| PUBLIC              | false      |
demodb.public/sfstore# DROP ENTITY "DELTA_STREAMING"."MY_SCHEMA";
|  Type      |  Name                     |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | DELTA_STREAMING.MY_SCHEMA | DROP       | entity "DELTA_STREAMING.MY_SCHEMA" was   |
|            |                           |            | successfully dropped from store          |
|            |                           |            | "sfstore"                                |
demodb.public/sfstore# LIST ENTITIES IN "DELTA_STREAMING";
|  Name               |  Is Leaf   |
| PUBLIC              | false      |

Drop a Snowflake table

|  Name               |  Is Leaf   |
| STREAM_DATA_TBL     | true       |
| sf_pv_table         | true       |
demodb.public/sfstore# DROP ENTITY "DELTA_STREAMING"."PUBLIC".sf_pv_table;
|  Type      |  Name                     |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | DELTA_STREAMING.MY_SCHEMA | DROP       | entity "DELTA_STREAMING.PUBLIC." was     |
|            |                           |            | successfully dropped from store          |
|            |                           |            | "sfstore"                                |
|  Name               |  Is Leaf   |
| STREAM_DATA_TBL     | true       |

Drop a Databricks catalog

This example drops the catalog catalog1 from the Databricks store databricks_store, which in turn drops all of its sub-entities as well:

demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name      |  Is Leaf   |
| catalog1   | false      |
| main       | false      |
| system     | false      |
demodb.public/databricks_store# DROP ENTITY catalog1;
|  Type      |  Name      |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | catalog1   | DROP       | entity "catalog1" was successfully       |
|            |            |            | dropped from store                       |
|            |            |            | "databricks_store"                       |
demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES;
|  Name      |  Is Leaf   |
| main       | false      |
| system     | false      |

Drop a Databricks schema

demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES in catalog1;
|  Name              |  Is Leaf   |
| default            | false      |
| information_schema | false      |
demodb.public/databricks_store# DROP ENTITY catalog1."default";
|  Type      |  Name            |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | catalog1.default | DROP       | entity "catalog1.default" was            |
|            |                  |            | successfully dropped from store          |
|            |                  |            | "databricks_store"                       |
demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES in catalog1;
|  Name              |  Is Leaf   |
| information_schema | false      |

Drop a Databricks table

demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES IN catalog1.schema1;
|  Name              |  Is Leaf   |
| pageviews          | true       |
| pv_agg             | true       |
demodb.public/databricks_store# DROP ENTITY catalog1.schema1.pageviews;
|  Type      |  Name            |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| entity     | catalog1.default | DROP       | entity "catalog1.schema1.pageviews" was  |
|            |                  |            | successfully dropped from store          |
|            |                  |            | "databricks_store"                       |
demodb.public/databricks_store# LIST ENTITIES IN catalog1.schema1;
|  Name              |  Is Leaf   |
| pv_agg             | true       |

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