<no-db>/<no-store># GRANT ROLE custom_role TO USER 'user@domain.com';
| Type | Command | Summary |
| role grant | ALTER | Role(s) "custom_role" granted to user |
| | | user "user@domain.com" |
<no-db>/<no-store># LIST USER ROLES;
| Name | Is Current | Is Default | Is Inherited |
| custom_role | false | false | false |
| orgadmin | true | false | false |
| public | false | false | true |
Grant role to another role
<no-db>/<no-store># GRANT ROLE useradmin TO ROLE sysadmin;
| Type | Command | Summary |
| role grant | ALTER | Role(s) "useradmin" were granted to |
| | | "sysadmin" |
<no-db>/<no-store># DESCRIBE ROLE sysadmin;
| Type | Name | Privilege | With Grant Option | Granted By |
| role | public | usage | false | orgadmin |
| role | useradmin | usage | false | orgadmin |