
GRANT ROLE role_name [, role_name...] {
    TO USER user_email
    | TO ROLE role_name [, role_name...]


Grants access to role(s) to a user or other role(s). This allows the user to USE ROLE and inherit all the privileges granted to the role.

The current role requires one of the following privileges:

  • Ownership of organization

  • MANAGE_MEMBERS privilege on organization

  • OWNER privilege on both parent and child roles (when granting to roles)


role_name [, role_name...]

One or more roles to grant.


Email of the user when granting roles to a user.

role_name [, role_name...]

One or more roles that are granted the roles.


Grant role to a user

<no-db>/<no-store># GRANT ROLE custom_role TO USER '';
|  Type      |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| role grant | ALTER      | Role(s) "custom_role" granted to user    |
|            |            | user ""                   |
<no-db>/<no-store># LIST USER ROLES;
|  Name         |  Is Current |  Is Default |  Is Inherited |
| custom_role   | false       | false       | false         |
| orgadmin      | true        | false       | false         |
| public        | false       | false       | true          |

Grant role to another role

<no-db>/<no-store># GRANT ROLE useradmin TO ROLE sysadmin;
|  Type      |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| role grant | ALTER      | Role(s) "useradmin" were granted to      |
|            |            | "sysadmin"                               |
<no-db>/<no-store># DESCRIBE ROLE sysadmin;
|  Type        |  Name      |  Privilege       |  With Grant Option |  Granted By |
| role         | public     | usage            | false              | orgadmin    |
| role         | useradmin  | usage            | false              | orgadmin    |

Last updated