
WITH (descriptor_source_parameter = value [, ...]);


Creates Descriptor(s) from the schemas available in the Descriptor source file. When creating a Descriptor Source in DeltaStream, the Descriptor Source is parsed and all schemas are extracted and created as separate descriptors for the user. These descriptors can then be used to set serialization format for Entity.

Supports Protocol Buffer descriptors.



Name of the Descriptor Source to be imported. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes, otherwise, the lowercased name will be used.

WITH (descriptor_source_parameter = value [, …​ ])

This clause specifies the Descriptor Source Parameters.

Descriptor Source Parameters

Parameter NameDescription


Specifies a local filesystem path to import the descriptor(s) from. Required: Yes

Type: String

Valid values: A valid file path in the current user's local filesystem, prefixed with @ to be picked up as an attachment for the command.


Create a new Descriptor Source from local file

The following creates a Descriptor Source from the ProtoBuf descriptors file /descriptors/pageviews.desc on the local filesystem and gives it a recognizable name pageviews for reference from an Entity:

demodb.public/demostore# CREATE DESCRIPTOR_SOURCE employee WITH ( 'file' = '@/descriptors/employee.desc');
|  Type             |  Name      |  Command   |  Summary                                 |
| descriptor_source | employee   | CREATE     | descriptor source "employee" was         |
|                   |            |            | successfully created                     |
main_db.public/pub_demo_msk# LIST DESCRIPTOR_SOURCES;
|  Name      |  Tags      |  Type      |  Url                                     |  Owner     |  Created At                   |  Updated At                   |
| employee   | []         | protobuf   | /copy/descriptor_source/0100dc20-c041-49 | sysadmin   | 2024-06-04 20:46:44 +0000 UTC | 2024-06-04 20:46:44 +0000 UTC |
|            |            |            | 64-b6b0-c83e59add419/employee            |            |                               |                               |

Once the Descriptor Source is imported, all its ProtoBuf descriptors are extracted and can be listed with LIST DESCRIPTORS.

Last updated