Creating a Function

A Function is custom code used to extend DeltaStream's processing capabilities. There are multiple built-in functions available for you to use in your queries, but you can create and implement more functions and add them to DeltaStream.

This tutorial demonstrates how to write a function, add it to DeltaStream, and use it in DeltaStream queries.

Functions are only valid for approved organizations. Please contact us if you wish to enable functions in your organization.

Writing a Function

DeltaStream queries are powered by Apache Flink. To write functions, you leverage Flink's APIs (Flink documentation found here).

DeltaStream supports Flink's Scalar Functions and Aggregate Functions.

To help you write these functions, we've provided this repository that includes examples and templates. You can fork or copy the template to get started.

To write functions, you need:

  • Java (preferably Java 17)

  • Maven

This tutorial assumes a simple use case wherein you wish to reverse a string such that you have the following behavior:

  • Query: SELECT reverse(col1) AS res FROM my_source_stream;

  • Input: { "col1": "ReverseMe" }

  • Output: { "res": "eMesreveR" }

Under the src/main/java directory, you can add a new class called MyStringReverser. This class can also exist in other packages under src/main/java, suhc as src/main/java/x/y/z/

The MyStringReverser implementation may look as follows:

import org.apache.flink.table.functions.FunctionContext;
import org.apache.flink.table.functions.ScalarFunction;

public class MyStringReverser extends ScalarFunction {

    public void open(FunctionContext context) {
        // Initialization logic

    public String eval(String s) {
        // Processing logic
        return new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString();

In this example, your MyStringReverser class extends ScalarFunction, the API used to define a scalar function-typed UDF. As there's a one-to-one mapping of inputs to outputs (that is, for every input string you output a single reversed version of that string), a scalar function is appropriate. To define an aggregate function instead, your class would extend Flink's AggregateFunction class (find an example here).

Important Components for Functions that extends ScalarFunction:

  • Function open(FunctionContext context): Any initialization logic exists in the open() method. You can use FunctionContext to add metrics to this function. More on adding custom metrics.

  • Function eval(T val): Functions that extend ScalarFunction must have an eval() method. This method is where the processing logic lies. The method signature should match the input and output types of your function. In this case, the input and output values are both strings. However, functions can have multiple input values with different types, and the output type does not need to match the input type. Furthermore, the same function can have multiple eval() methods defined.

Important Components for Functions that extends AggregateFunction:

  • Function open(FunctionContext context): Any initialization logic exists in the open() method. You can use FunctionContext to add metrics to this function. More on adding custom metrics.

  • Function createAccumulator(): This method creates and initializes the accumulator for this function. The accumulator is an intermediate data structure that stores the aggregated values until a final aggregation result is computed.

  • Function getValue(MyAccumulator acc): This method is called every time an aggregation result is materialized. The returned value could be either an early and incomplete result (periodically emitted as data arrives) or the final result of the aggregation.

  • Function accumulate(MyAccumulator acc, T val): This method is called on each input row. It contains the logic for updating the accumulator. The method signature should match the input types of your function, with the accumulator as the first parameter. The function can have multiple accumulate() methods defined with different custom types and arguments.

  • (Optional) Function retract(MyAccumulator acc, T val): You must implement this method when you use it in queries with OVER windows. The logic in this method should retract the input values from the accumulator instance. The function can have multiple retract() methods defined with different custom types and arguments.

  • (Optional) Function merge(MyAccumulator acc, Iterable<MyAccumulator> it): You must implement this method when you use it in queries with SESSION windows and bounded aggregations. The logic in this method should merge a group of accumulator instances into a single accumulator instance.

After you write your function, build a .jar file. If you used the DeltaStream template, you can review instructions on how to build the .jar file using Maven.

Creating a Function in a DeltaStream Organization

When you have written and built a function, you can add it in DeltaStream. This consists of 2 steps:

  1. Uploading the .jar file as a Function Source

  2. Defining a Function from the Function Source

Adding a Function Source

Using a role with the CREATE_FUNCTION_SOURCE privilege, create a new function source using the CREATE FUNCTION SOURCE statement.

CREATE FUNCTION_SOURCE my_function_source WITH ( 
    'file' = '/path/to/my/jar/file/my-udf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar',
    'description' = 'Function source with method to reverse Strings'

Now you can list your function sources to verify it was created:

my_db.public/my_store# LIST FUNCTION_SOURCES;
         Name        |          Description           | Language |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at      | Status | Messages
  my_function_source | Function source with method to | java     | sysadmin | 2024-05-15T15:10:36Z | 2024-05-15T15:11:10Z | ready  |
                     | reverse Strings                |          |          |                      |                      |        |

Adding a Function from a Function Source

Using a role with the CREATE_FUNCTION privilege, create a new function using the CREATE FUNCTION statement. Note in this statement's WITH clause, you specify the function source added in the previous step, plus the class name for the function you wrote in the previous section.

    ''='x.y.z.MyStringReverser' -- Assuming MyStringReverser is in package x.y.z

Now list your Function to verify it was created:

my_db.public/my_store# LIST FUNCTIONS;
       Source        |      Class       |          Signature          |  Owner   | Properties |      Created at      |      Updated at
  my_function_source | MyStringReverser | reverse(s VARCHAR) VARCHAR  | sysadmin | {}         | 2024-05-15T15:12:56Z | 2024-05-15T15:13:21Z

Writing SQL Queries with the New Function

Now that you have added your function to DeltaStream, the final step is to actually use the function in SQL queries. To do this, simply call the function in using the method signature defined when you did CREATE FUNCTION.

SELECT viewtime, userid, pageid, reverse(pageid) AS pid_reversed FROM pageviews;
 | {"viewtime":1715786783663,"userid":"User_4","pageid":"Page_24","pid_reversed":"42_egaP"}
 | {"viewtime":1715786784667,"userid":"User_6","pageid":"Page_54","pid_reversed":"45_egaP"}
 | {"viewtime":1715786785673,"userid":"User_5","pageid":"Page_98","pid_reversed":"89_egaP"}

Last updated