
PRINT TOPIC topic_name
[IN STORE store_name]
[WITH (print_parameter = value [, ...])];


Topics will only be visible if the current role has USAGE privileges on the Store.



This is the name of the Topic to print the content of. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes. Otherwise, the lowercase name will be used.

IN STORE store_name

Optionally, sample a Topic from a specific Store. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes; otherwise, the lowercase name will be used.

WITH (print_parameter = value [, ...])

Optionally, add Print Parameters for changing the behavior of the output on each printing session.


The following prints from the pageviews Topic using the current Store and default parameter values.

demodb.public/demostore# PRINT TOPIC "pageviews";

{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931394412,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_22"}
{"userid":"User_6"} | {"viewtime":1660931395412,"userid":"User_6","pageid":"Page_32"}
{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931396413,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_96"}

The following prints from the CaseSensitivePageviews Topic using a specified Store. Note that since the Topic is case-sensitive, we wrap the Topic name in quotes.

demodb.public/demostore# PRINT TOPIC "CaseSensitivePageviews" IN STORE "OtherStore";

{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931394412,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_22"}
{"userid":"User_6"} | {"viewtime":1660931395412,"userid":"User_6","pageid":"Page_32"}
{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931396413,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_96"}

The following prints from the pageviews Topic from a specific timestamp with a rate of 10 messages per second.

demodb.public/demostore# PRINT TOPIC pageviews WITH ( 'from.timestamp' = 1660931394411, 'message.rate' = 10 );

{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931394412,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_22"}
{"userid":"User_6"} | {"viewtime":1660931395412,"userid":"User_6","pageid":"Page_32"}
{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":1660931396413,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_96"}

The following prints from the pageviews Topic from the earliest available records.

demodb.public/demostore# PRINT TOPIC pageviews IN STORE teststore WITH ( 'from.beginning', 'message.rate' = 1 );

{"userid":"User_7"} | {"viewtime":11631281,"userid":"User_7","pageid":"Page_83"}
{"userid":"User_1"} | {"viewtime":11631291,"userid":"User_1","pageid":"Page_50"}
{"userid":"User_6"} | {"viewtime":11631301,"userid":"User_6","pageid":"Page_12"}

Last updated