This command has been deprecated and will be removed in the future versions of the APIs. Use DESCRIBE ENTITY to describe a Topic.


DESCRIBE TOPIC topic_name [IN STORE store_name];


This provides the definition of an existing Topic.

Topics will only be visible if the current role has USAGE privileges on the Store.



This is the name of the Topic to describe. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes; otherwise, the lowercase name will be used.

IN STORE store_name

Optionally, describe a Topic in a specific Store. For case-sensitive names, the name must be wrapped in double quotes. Otherwise, the lowercase name will be used.


Describe a Topic in the current Kafka Store

The following describes the pageviews Topic in the current Kafka Store, demostore: DESCRIBE TOPIC pageviews;
    Name    | Partitons | Replicas | Key descriptor | Value descriptor  
  pageviews |         3 |        3 |                |                   

The Topic provides the Kafka topic specific information and the Key/Value Descriptor defining the serialization format of both the key and value portions of a Kafka record.

Describe a Topic in a specific Kinesis Store

The following describes the InterestCount Topic in the Amazon Kinesis Store, kinesis_main: DESCRIBE TOPIC "InterestCount" IN STORE kinesis_main;
       Name     | Shards | Descriptor  
  InterestCount |      6 |             

The Topic provides the Kinesis stream specific information and a #_descriptor defining the serialization format of the Kinesis records.

Describe a Topic with Descriptors

The following describes the pageviews_pb Topic in the Kafka Store called KafkaStore2. This Topic’s native format is ProtoBuf and the Key and Value Descriptors assigned to it allow serialization to/from this format: DESCRIBE TOPIC pageviews_pb IN STORE "KafkaStore2";
       Name       | Partitons | Replicas |     Key descriptor     |  Value descriptor    
    pageviews_pb  |         1 |        2 | pageviews.PageviewsKey | pageviews.Pageviews  

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